Membuat user otomatis dengan Scripting bash shell pada Debian

Dari Catatan Pak Samsul
Revisi sejak 15 Januari 2022 10.50 oleh Samsul (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'for i in "$@"; do echo creating user "$i" sudo adduser --gecos "" --disable-password $in echo add user to sudo group sudo usermod -aG sudo $i echo creating ssh fo...')
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for i in "$@"; do

echo creating user "$i"

sudo adduser --gecos "" --disable-password $in

echo add user to sudo group

sudo usermod -aG sudo $i

echo creating ssh folder and authorized_keys

sudo -H -u $i bash -c 'mkdir -p /home/"$0"/.ssh' $i

sudo -H -u $i bash -c 'chmod 700 /home/"$0"/.ssh/' $i

sudo -H -u $i bash -c 'touch 600 /home/"$0"/.ssh/authorized_keys' $i

echo buat folder public_html dan mkdir

sudo -H -u $i bash -c 'mkdir -p /home/public_html' $i

sudo -H -u $i bash -c 'chmod 700 /home/"$0"/public_html' $i

sudo -H -u $i bash -c 'mkdir -p /home/"$0"/mail_dir' $i

sudo -H -u $i bash -c 'chmod 700 /home/"$0"/mail_dir' $i
